Hardship grants for NHS staff in crisis

Hardship grants for NHS staff in crisis


Raised so far

  • About

The increase in the cost of living is affecting many people including NHS staff.

When NHS staff here at SASH NHS Trust face a change in circumstances which causes urgent financial hardship, we want to be able to help. Because the wellbeing of people working in the NHS directly affects their ability to deliver high standards of care to patients and families. 

Urgent short term help - thanks to your support

Where staff experience a change in circumstances which causes an urgent short term need, our new staff hardship fund allows us to help, by making one-off hardship grants. This has been established thanks to the generousity of a number of colleagues here at SASH who wanted to help colleagues in need, and we need your help to be able to continue it. 

Grants directly help colleagues in urgent short term need, and alongside this, we work closely with colleagues in the NHS Trust and external organisations to help people find longer term help.  

More information on the hardship grants scheme is available on our website here

Feedback from a recent hardship grant recipient:

  • “I can’t express how thankful I am. You have no idea how much this will help me. Thank you does not seem enough”

We can only continue to offer urgent hardship grants if the fund receives donations. If you would like to, you can make a one off, or a regular donation on this page - and directly help an NHS worker in need, here in Surrey & Sussex. 

If at some stage in the future (as we would hope) the hardship grants scheme is no longer needed, any money remaining in this fund will be used for other charitable activities for patients and staff across SASH NHS Trust.