- About
The hospital's multi-faith chaplaincy team provide spiritualm religious and pastoral care to patients, their visitors, and hospital staff. The service is available 24 hours a day, 265 days a year, including an emegency out of hours service supported by chaplains working on an on-call rota.
Donations to the charity help us support the chaplaincy team. Most recently your donations have helped us to commission new memorial book stands, to display books of remembrance. You also helped us provide a new piano for the chapel.
In the coming weeks we hope to raise just over £1,000 to be able to equip the chaplains with small wooden crosses which can be given to patients who request one to hold. These can be a huge comfort to people at a challenging time.
Any money raised beyond this will help the chaplaincy team support patients in hospital, or would support other charitable projects to benefit patients here in East Surrey Hospital/Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
Please consider a donation today. Thank you.